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Perth & Kinross Council ECS Learning Hub
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Safeguarding and Wellbeing 

Adult Support and Protection Basic Awareness Training for the Early Learning and Childcare Workforce

Target Audience: All those working with children and families in ELC settings across PKC, including Local Authority and partner provider settings.

This is an interactive 2-hour training that will require your full participation. We will use activities, videos, and presentation materials to introduce you to a basic awareness of adult support and protection. *Please note that for SSSC registrants, this can be used towards your mandatory annual Adult Support & Protection Continuous Professional Learning requirement.

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Date, Time and Venue: 12 February 2025 - 9.00am - 11.00am - Room 12/13, Second Floor, Pullar House, Perth


Presenter: Leigh Must, Learning & Development Officer, HSCP


Aims and Outcomes:  This session will aim to support you in:  Discussions about what adult protection is.  How to recognise harm.  Become clearer about your own role and responsibilities in recognising and responding to concerns.  Become familiar with the ‘Perth and Kinross Multi-Agency Guidelines’.  Increasing your confidence and ability to recognise and refer appropriately.


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Internal applicants

External applicants  

Child Protection Basic Awareness

Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders

This is a face to face session to provide a basic overview of the procedures and the processes used in child protection.  The course will cover indicators of abuse, signs and symptoms and support your confidence in responding appropriately.  The course will also cover your responsibilities in regard to information sharing and give you a basic understanding of the processes undertaken by statutory services when responding to child protection concerns.

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Date, Time and Venue: 

21 January 2025 - 6.30pm - 9.00pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth

17 March 2025 - 6.30pm - 9.00pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth

22 May 2025 - 6.30pm - 9.00pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth


Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: Provide a basic overview of the procedures and processes used in child protection.  The course will cover indicators of abuse, signs, symptoms and support your confidence in responding appropriately.  The course will also cover your responsibilities regarding information sharing and give you a basic understanding of the processes undertaken when responding to child protection concerns.

By the end of the course participants should be able to identify the different categories of abuse and indicators of harm and apply them when needed within your setting.  Be able to recognise the signs and symptoms that children may need to help or protect them from harm and apply these when working with children.  Have confidence in responding appropriately when a concern is raised about a child or young person within their own agency or organisation.  Be able to explain your own responsibilities in regards of information sharing.


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Internal applicants

External applicants  

Child Protection Officer Training

Target Audience: all as appropriate

You have been nominated to complete training as a Child Protection Officer for your school/establishment or early years setting.  This course will clarify procedures regarding the training process - PKC Staff; Perth and Kinross Essential Child protection e- learning.  You should have already undertaken the Child Protection Basic Awareness course and completed.  This is mandatory before the Child Protection Officer training.  Protecting people e-learning modules - Perth & Kinross Council (

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Date, Time and Venue: 

10 February 2025 - 9.30am - 2.30pm - 2 High Street, Perth

9 June 2025 - 9.30am - 2.30pm - 2 High Street, Perth


There are three additional modules which must be completed:
1. Chronologies
2. Information Sharing, Confidentiality and Consent
3. Professional Curiosity and Challenge Challenge


Presenter: Christy Stevenson - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: By the end of the course participants should:

  • Be able to describe the role and responsibilities of the designated Child Protection Officer and feel more confident in fulfilling that role.
  • Have enhanced knowledge of ECS Policies / Procedures and know how to use these to fulfil their responsibilities.
  • Be able to describe good practice principles in responding to a child concerns.


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Internal applicants

External applicants  

Exploring GIRFEC and UNCRC 

Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders

This is a face to face session to explore how we can use Getting it Right for Every Child and the UNCRC within your own work settings.

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Date, Time and Venue: 

11 February 2025 - 6.30pm - 9.00pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth

27 March 2025 - 6.30pm - 9.00pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth

15 May 2025 - 6.30pm - 9.00pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth


Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: To explore Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) within our own settings and when planning.  The session will encourage practitioners to focus on both documents and explore ways of integrating and embedding them in their daily practice.  The session explores the 4 general principles to the UNCRC and where they fit within the SHANARRI Indicators.

By the end of the session participants will be more confident in applying GIRFEC and SHANARRI indicators in their day to day practice within their setting.  Participants will be able to identify and link the Rights of the Child to the SHANARRI indicators.


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Internal applicants

External applicants  

First Aid (Blended Learning) Paediatric 

Target Audience: Childcarers 

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Date, Time and Venue: 

For further information and to book, please view:

Blended Paediatric First Aid Course information


Invite to First Aid E-learning, please view:

Invite to First Aid E-learning


Friarton Directions for First Aid Courses, please view:

Friarton Directions to First Aid Courses


Presenter: Perth & Kinross Council Corporate Health & Safety Team 


Book here: 

Evening Courses Booking Calendar

Saturdays and Weekdays Booking Calendar

Food Safety Management

Target Audience: All ELC and school staff involved in handling food within the playroom or classroom.

An introduction to food safety management procedures and guidance to support education staff to adhere to legal requirements, maintain accurate records, and embed strict infection control measures into food cooking and preparation activities which take place in the classroom/playroom.

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Date, Time and Venue: 29 January 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.30pm - Breadalbane ELC, Aberfeldy

11 June 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.30pm - Blairgowrie Community Campus


Presenter: Carly Williams, Catriona Roberts, Sally McDougall - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: Increase awareness of The Food Hygiene Regulations (Scotland) 2006.  Identify the responsibilities of those involved in the management of food handling.  Provide participants with the tools to uphold Food Safety Management procedures.  Guide participants in the safe process of food activity in the classroom/nursery.

Mentors in Violence Prevention 1-day capacity building course

Target Audience: School staff and third sector agencies

Mentors in Violence Prevention is an evidence based peer education programme supported by Education Scotland. It is focused on the growing concerns around the level of violence against women and girls in general, but also within the school environment. This course is aimed at schools who are currently implementing the programme in schools but require more staff trained in the approach.

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Date, Time and Venue: 15 May 2024 - 9.00am - 3.30pm - venue TBC


Presenter: Rachel Rennie - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: Understand the issues around gender based violence.  Understand the concept of the bystander approach.  Understand how to deliver the programme within schools and how to train YP to become mentors.


Book here: 

Internal applicants

External applicants 

Mentors in Violence Prevention 2-day course

Target Audience: School staff and third sector agencies

Mentors in Violence Prevention is an evidence based peer education programme supported by Education Scotland. It is focused on the growing concerns around the level of violence against women and girls in general, but also within the school environment. This course is aimed at schools who are NOT currently delivering the programme, but wish to begin implementation. For new schools, a suggested number of 3-4 staff would need to attend the 2-day course to understand the programme and methods of delivery in school.

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Date, Time and Venue: 8 & 9 May 2025 - 9.00am - 3.30pm - venue TBC


Presenter: Rachel Rennie - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: Understand the issues around gender based violence.  Understand the concept of the bystander approach.  Understand how to deliver the programme within schools and how to train YP to become mentors. 


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Internal applicants

External applicants 

Reflective Practice - Mental Health

Target Audience: School leaders, PT and above

Facilitated open discussion of a reflective and coaching nature that does not necessarily seek to find solutions but explores approaches and ways of thinking in a psychologically safe space.  Participants will be encouraged to talk about issues of concern and their approach to the role.  Facilitation will be by a combination of Educational Psychologist and the Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Co-ordinator.

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Date, Time and Venue: 


12 February 2025 - 4.00-5.15pm - online MS Teams

7 May 2025 - 4.00-5.15pm - online MS Teams


Presenter: Susie Turner and Steve Sweeney - Perth and Kinross Council


Aims and Outcomes: Participants will feel enabled to consider the mental health impact of their role and supported to review ways to best manage.  Participants will feel supported by coming together as a group with practitioners facing similar situations.


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Internal applicants

External applicants 

Risk in Play 

Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders

This session will explore our own play experiences while growing up.  The session allows participants to be involved in discussions around a risk benefit approach and the importance of managing risk.  There is the opportunity for discussion and the sharing of top tips around developing risk assessments with children.  The course also looks at local and national guidance that support risk in play.

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Date, Time and Venue: 

20 February 2025 - 6.30pm - 8.30pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth

27 May 2025 - 6.30pm - 8.30pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth


Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have more knowledge and understanding about the risk benefit approach to play.  Participants will have opportunities to explore their values and thresholds to risk and reflect on this in their current practice.  Participants will have a greater understanding of the Risk-Benefit Approach and how this can be used to support practitioners to balance the benefits of an activity with any inherent risk, taking, into account the risks while recognising the benefits to children and young people.


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Internal applicants

External applicants 

SIFA Collaborative Conversation

Target Audience: Primary and Secondary - SLT and guidance

An opportunity to share practice, jointly problem solve and identify further developments.

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Date, Time and Venue:

30 January 2025 - 4.00pm - 5.00pm - online MS Teams

22 May 2025 - 4.00pm - 5.00pm - online MS Teams


Presenter: Rhianna Brodie - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: The primary aim of SIFA is to develop more consistent and effective responses to supporting pupils with attendance within PKC schools involving ECS, health and third sector agencies. Outcomes - participants will feel able to effectively implement SIFA.


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Internal applicants

External applicants  

Staged Intervention Framework for Attendance (SIFA) Collaborative Conversation

Target Audience: Primary and Secondary - SLT and guidance

An opportunity to share practice, jointly problem solve and identify further developments. Please view for further information -

View course details

Date, Time and Venue: 




Presenter: Rhianna Brodie - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: The primary aim of SIFA is to develop more consistent and effective responses to supporting pupils with attendance within PKC schools involving ECS, health and third sector agencies. Participants will feel able to effectively implement SIFA.


Book here: 

Internal applicants

External applicants