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Curriculum and Pedagogy

0-3 Being Me in PKC

Target Audience: ELC practitioners working with under 3s

Developing a sound understanding of the key principles of supporting children 0-3. Attachments, baby brain development, schematic play, experiences, interactions and spaces relating to the under 3s.

Working with Children 0-3 - Being Me in PKC

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Date, Time and Venue: 

6 February 2025 - 9.30am - 3.30pm - venue TBC

27 March 2025 - 9.30am - 3.30pm - Crieff

14 May 2025 - 9.30am - 3.30pm - 2 High Street, Perth - Rm 410


Presenter: Sophie Lowe and Catriona Roberts - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes:

  • To provide an overview of the local and national policy and practice guidance which underpins working with children 0-3
  • To explore how Realising the Ambition underpins high-quality practice (e.g., Attachments, Transitions, UNCRC, Schematic Play) 
  • To explore examples of planning for children
  • To provide practitioners with a chance to network, discuss and share examples of good practice.


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Internal applicants

External applicants   

A Closer Look at NSA in an ASN and EAL Context

Target Audience: Staff supporting pupils with ASN to access NSA testing

This course will include content that is relevant when working with children and young people who require additional support with their learning or for whom English is an additional language. It contains details of platform functionality that can be used to support accessibility as well as practical advice on using NSA with children and young people who require additional support with their learning or have English as an additional language (EAL)

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Date, Time and Venue: 5 February 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.30pm - Online MS Teams


Presenter: Lorna MacKintosh 


Aims and Outcomes: Develop familiarity with the functionality of the assessment platform to support accessibility.  Provide practical advice on using NSA with children and young people who have ASN or EAL.


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Internal applicants

External applicants   

Artificial Intelligence in School

Target Audience: All staff

A robust overview of the use of AI for educators: the do's, the don'ts and the 'what ifs?'

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Date, Time and Venue: 13 May 2025 - 4.00pm - 5.00pm - Online MS Teams 


Presenter: Meg Brough - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes:  To explore Artificial Intelligence. To provide an overview on the council's stance on approved AI tools. To give examples of how this technology is already used in education. To explore the benefits and pitfalls of AI use. To explore how Microsoft Co-Pilot can support workflow.


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Internal applicants

External applicants 

Climate Ready Classrooms (CRC) Primary 

Target Audience: Primary Teachers 

Co-delivered between Keep Scotland Beautiful and Highland One World, this CLPL will begin by providing teachers with an overview of the Climate Ready Classroom Primary pupils’ session and activities. This will be followed by a more in-depth look at the concepts of climate justice and global citizenship that will be introduced to pupils through the workshops, highlighting and sharing resources and ideas to support practitioners to take these topics forward with confidence.

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Date, Time and Venue: 29 January 2025 - 4.00pm - 5.15pm - Online MS Teams 


Presenter: Keep Scotland Beautiful and Highland One World


Aims and Outcomes:  To equip practitioners with ideas and resources that can support them on taking further some of the learnings of the Climate Ready Classroom Primary pupil course, in particular around global citizenship and climate justice.


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Internal applicants

External applicants 

Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety Webinar

Target Audience: All Staff

An overview of the resources available to support learners with Cyber Resilience and digital literacy.

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Date, Time and Venue: 6 February 2025 - 4.00pm - 5.00pm - Online MS Teams 


Presenter: Meg Brough - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: Provide overview of the resources available to support learners with Cyber Resilience and digital literacy. Example resources to support Safer Internet Day. Links to work with Child Protection and an exploration around our responsibilities as practitioners.


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Internal applicants

External applicants 

Digibyte: Get Started with OneNote

Target Audience: all Staff 

A quick session on the main features of One Note and how these can be used successfully both in the classroom and for workflow.

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Date, Time and Venue: 29 April 2025 - 4.00pm - 4.30pm - online MS Teams 


Presenter: Meg Brough - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: To provide a demonstration of the main features of OneNote. To explore how this app can support many areas of the curriculum.


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Internal applicants

External applicants  

Digibyte: How to make a Podcast

Target Audience: all Staff 

A quick session on how to make a podcast with the equipment and software you already have in your setting.

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Date, Time and Venue: 7 May 2025 - 4.00pm - 4.30pm - online MS Teams 


Presenter: Meg Brough - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: To provide a demonstration on what equipment may be needed to create and host a podcast. To explore how this may support many areas of the curriculum.


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Internal applicants

External applicants  

Digibyte: How to use Book Creator

Target Audience: all Staff 

A quick session on how to use the Book Creator app.

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Date, Time and Venue: 12 March 2025 - 4.00pm - 4.30pm - online MS Teams 


Presenter: Meg Brough - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: To provide a demonstration for staff of how to use the Book Creator app.  To explore how this may support many areas of the curriculum.


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Internal applicants

External applicants  

Digibyte: Microsoft Search Progress & Coach

Target Audience: Primary and secondary teachers working with learners who may be using the internet to research.

Understanding how to use Microsoft Search Progress and Coach to support learners with searching for information responsibly and effectively.

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Date, Time and Venue: 15 January 2025 - 4.00pm - 4.30pm - Online MS Teams 


Presenter: Meg Brough - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: Demonstrate how to use this tool in MS Teams. To explore examples of how this can be used in standard classroom practice.  To explore how this supports learners with media literacy.


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Internal applicants

External applicants  

Digital Literacy in ELC Improvement Programme

Target Audience: Early Years Practitioners

This training offer has been offered to support ELC Setting who have digital as a focus for improvement. The programme will involve looking at improvement methodology and how this can be applied to develop digital literacy and skills in ELC. The programme will consist of three sessions and attendance at all three sessions is required to complete the programme. The expectation is that practitioners set goal to improve on an identified area with regards to digital literacy and skills in ELC and work with their team to achieve this.

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Date, Time and Venue: 

Session 1: 20 February 2025 - 9.30pm - 11.30pm - 2 High Street, Perth - Room 346

Session 2: 20 March 2025 - 9.30pm - 11.30pm - 2 High Street, Perth - Room 346

Session 3: 15 May 2025 - 9.30pm - 11.30pm - 2 High Street, Perth - Room 346

This training consists of three sessions and attendance is required at each session to complete the Programme.


Presenter: Harriet Benbow, Pauline Linn, Linda Reid - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims:  Increase knowledge, understanding and confidence to develop digital literacy within the context of your setting.

Identify an area of improvement and undertake a small test of change using improvement methodology approaches which improves digital learning in ELC settings.
Increase practitioners understand and ability to implement digital literacy and computing science experiences that enrich play and learning.
Opportunity to connect and collaborate with other practitioners with digital literacy as a focus for improvement.
Outcomes: Practitioners will have an increased knowledge, understanding and confidence to evaluate and improve the quality of digital literacy experiences in their ELC setting.
Practitioners will have increased understanding of how to apply elements of improvement methodology approaches.
Practitioners will have collaborated with colleagues from other settings to share good practice in using digital literacy in ELC.


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Internal applicants

External applicants 

ELC Induction

Target Audience: all new ELC staff, including supply PA, ECP and EYPSAs

This is a mandatory session for all new staff in local authority early learning and childcare settings.

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Date, Time and Venue: 

16 January 2025 - 4.00pm - 6.00pm - online MS Teams

6 March 2025 - 6.00pm - 8.00pm - online MS Teams

22 May 2025 - 6.00pm - 8.00pm - online MS Teams


Presenter: Nina Roberts, Carly Williams and Sally McDougall - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes:  During the session you will have the opportunity to:  

  • Consolidate learning gained from engaging in the self-directed early learning and childcare induction
  • Meet members of the PKC Early Years team and other new staff
  • Ask any questions you may have.


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Internal applicants

External applicants 

ELC Maths Improvement Programme

Target Audience: This training offer has been developed in partnership with Education Scotland to support settings who have maths and numeracy as a focus for improvement. The programme takes an improvement methodology approach to identify and target gaps in learners progress. The programme consists of four sessions, all of which must be attended to complete the programme. One representative from each setting is required although it is expected that their work will impact a setting wide improvement.

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Date, Time and Venue: 14 January - 1.30pm - 4.00pm, 28 January - 3.00pm - 4.30pm, 11 February - 3.00pm - 4.30pm and  25 March 2025 - 1.30pm - 4.00pm - To be confirmed 

All Sessions are to be attended 


Presenter: Sophie Lowe & Yvonne Somerville


Aims and Outcomes: Identify an area of improvement and undertake a small test of change using improvement methodology approaches which improves maths learning in ELC settings.  To increase practitioners understanding and ability to implement high quality maths and numeracy experiences that enrich play and learning.  To connect and collaborate with other practitioners with maths and numeracy as a focus for improvement.


By the end of the programme;
Practitioners will have an increased knowledge, understanding and confidence to use tracking data to identify and target areas for improvement within the context of maths and numeracy.  Practitioners will have increased understanding of how to apply elements of an improvement methodology approach.  Practitioners will have collaborated with colleagues from other settings to share good practice in maths and numeracy in ELC


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Internal applicants

External applicants 

ELC Workforce Network

Target Audience: all local authority and partner provider ELC staff, including supply PA, ECPs and PSAs, who are keen to update their professional knowledge and practice.

This new termly professional learning offer will give you the chance to hear about current policy and practice related to working in Early Learning and Childcare.  You will have the chance to engage in professional discussion with colleagues and take part in practical sessions which will support you to apply your learning to your practice with children and families.

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Date, Time and Venue:

19 March 2025 - 6.00pm - 7.30pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth

4 June 2025 - 6.00pm - 7.30pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth


Presenter: Carly Williams, Sally McDougall and Catriona Roberts - Perth and Kinross Council


Aims and Outcomes: 

  • Hear about local and national policy and practice updates.
  • Engage in professional discussion with colleagues from across the ELC sector in Perth and Kinross.
  • Increase practitioner confidence by engaging in practical sessions to allow you to apply your knowledge and skills in your practice with children and families.


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Internal applicants

External applicants

Forest Kindergarten

Target Audience: All ELC Staff

Perth and Kinross Council in partnership with Perth College run a number of Forest Kindergarten training.

This qualification is run via learning materials which take a flipped classroom approach followed by an intense 3 (2) day outdoor experience. 

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Date, Time and Venue:



Aims and Outcomes: 

This qualification meets the needs of practitioners who would like to set up regular off-site visits to a local wood or nearby green space for children in their care. The National Work-based Award in Forest Kindergarten at SCQF level 7 recognises the value of woodlands as an integral part of the learning process for children and covers the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to develop a forest kindergarten. 


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Internal applicants

External applicants

Introduction to Child Development

Target Audience: ELC, Out of School Care, Childminders

This course will explore child development, including child development from conception to 12 months, 12 months to 2 years, 3 years to 6 years and 7 to 12 years.  You will explore what factors can contribute to healthy development and what factors can contribute to unhealthy development. You will look at what the implications can be in later life and why a good level of development is so important in helping to shape young people.

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Date, Time and Venue: 

6 February 2025 - 6.30pm - 9.00pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth

29 April 2025 - 6.30pm - 9.00pm - North Inch Community Campus, Perth


Presenter: Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council


Aims and Outcomes:  

This session will look at basic awareness in child development, a holistic approach:
• What children need to grow physically, socially, and emotionally.
• Factors that impact on development.
• The sequence of development.
• Matching expectations with skill base.
• The invisible principles of child development.
• Creating an environment in which children can thrive.
• How to develop everyday skills and routines.


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Internal applicants

External applicants

Leading Change in Numeracy and Mathematics

Target Audience: Early Years, Primary and Secondary Practitioners

The Programme is a series of professional learning sessions aimed at those leading change in Numeracy and Mathematics.  The sessions will focus on key themes of best use of data, planning for improvement and ways to increase engagement and motivation. Practitioners would be expected to attend all three sessions.

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Date, Time and Venue: 22 January, 27 February and 20 March 2024 - 4.00pm - 5.30pm - online MS Teams

Programme: all 3 dates to be attended


Presenter: Denise Doig, ESO - Perth and Kinross Council, TRIC Numeracy ESO's and Yvonne Somerville - Education Scotland Numeracy and Mathematics Officer


Aims and Outcomes: Provide staff with the opportunity to consider best use of data, plan for improvement, consider ways to increase engagement and motivation in Numeracy and Mathematics, collaborate and share practice with colleagues in the same sector from across regional collaborative. 


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Internal applicants

External applicants   

Learning to Read in the Early Years Practical Workshop 

Target Audience: All ELC and Primary staff working within the early level

The course will explore how children develop and learn the crucial skills for early reading. Describe and discuss the role of teachers and practitioners in early years to plan to and facilitate experiences that develop literacy skills across learning in meaningful playful and real-life contexts. Why it is important for our very young children to have rich experiences and opportunities to foster a love of reading.

View course details 

Date, Time and Venue: 4.00pm - 6.00pm - To be confirmed 


Presenter: Pauline Linn and Wendy Baird - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes:  Develop practitioners knowledge, skills and confidence in teaching early reading, through purposeful activities which build on the way children develop and use literacy.  Develop teacher confidence to balance play-based learning with the systematic development and learning of skills and techniques for reading.  Practitioners’ increased understanding of their role in the provision of focussed and universal interventions to support early reading.  Practitioners’ will be able to create high quality spaces and experiences, both indoors and outdoors that will support the development of early reading. Teachers and ELC practitioners will have an increased knowledge and understanding of their role in the teaching and the range of skills that children need to become successful and confident readers.


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Internal applicants

External applicants  

Loose Parts Play

Target Audience: All ELC and Primary staff

This session will introduce you to Loose Parts Play as an approach to to developing high quality play opportunities within ELC settings and/or Primary school classes.

View course details

Date, Time and Venue: 

11 March 2025 - 4.00pm - 5.30pm - venue TBC

11 March 2025 - 6.30pm - 8.00pm - venue TBC


6 May 2025 - 4.00pm - 5.30pm - venue TBC

6 May 2025 - 6.30pm - 8.00pm - venue TBC


Presenter: Lee Fairlie and Shona O'Connor - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: Raise awareness of the value of loose parts in children's play.  Provide practical examples of loose parts play for those who work in either early years settings and/or primary schools.  Advocate the use of loose parts play as an approach to developing high quality play opportunities.

Understand the benefits of embedding the use of loose parts to enrich children's play, learning and development.  Make connections between loose parts play, theory, and key national and local guidance.


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Internal applicants

External applicants   

Optimising Student Success in the Classroom - Programme

Target Audience: Primary and Secondary Teaching staff

An Introduction to the use of Retrieval Practice in the classroom.

Optimising Student Success - Sway

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Date, Time and Venue:

12 November 2024 - 3.30pm - 5.30pm - online Ms Teams

28 January 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.00pm - online Ms Teams - Session 1

13 May 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.00pm - online Ms Teams - Session 2

Date and venue TBC - 3.30pm - 5.00pm - plenary in person - Session 3

Programme - all 3 dates to be attended.


Presenter: Kirsty Dewar and Julie Martin - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims: Participants will develop an understanding of Retrieval Practice and the benefits of its application in the classroom to support students learning.

Objectives: Understanding of why retrieval practice is a useful teaching and learning strategy.  Confidence in using retrieval practice in classroom activities.


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Internal applicants

External applicants

Outdoor Play and Learning at Westbank ELC

Target Audience: Early Level practitioners

An opportunity to engage in learning centred around designing and delivering high quality play experiences in the outdoors with a seasonal slant.

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Date, Time and Venue: 

21 March 2025 - 9.30am - 12.30pm - Westbank ELC, Jeanfield Road, Perth

23 May 2025 - 9.30am - 12.30pm - Westbank ELC, Jeanfield Road, Perth


Presenter: Sally McDougall and Sophie Lowe - Perth and Kinross Council


Aims and Outcomes: To experience and develop an understanding of delivering high quality outdoor play experiences for children aged 3-5.  Practitioners will have an increased confidence to implement outdoor play experiences with children.

To increase practitioners understanding and ability to implement high quality maths and numeracy experiences that enrich play and learning.


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Internal applicants

External applicants

Play on Pedals 

Target Audience: Practitioners in ELC taking lead for Play on Pedals or Early Years Family Learning Practitioners

Play on Pedals will teach pre-school children about the parts of a bike, how to fit a helmet correctly and the basics of looking after their bikes. Through a series of fun and imaginative activities, they will be helped to develop their balance and control skills, often using a pedal-less balance bike. Play on Pedals has strong links to the curriculum for excellence.  

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Date, Time and Venue: 

20 January 2025 - 9.15am - 4.15pm - Letham Primary School

18 March 2025 - 9.15am - 4.15pm - Letham Primary School

20 May 2025 - 9.15am - 4.15pm - Letham Primary School

Please note: link to register to take part in the instructor training will only be sent once accepted onto the course.  Approval from your line manager must be given.  Booking onto this course may not guarantee a place on this course due to minimum numbers.        


Presenter: Julie Clark and Sally McDougall - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: 

Aims - to be trained as an accredited Play on Pedals Instructor. Increase knowledge and understanding of benefits of promoting and sustaining Play on Pedals. Equip ELC Practitioners and Family Learning Practitioners to plan and deliver the Play on Pedals programme to nursery aged children. Outcome - awarded Play on Pedals Instructor Certification. Increased confidence to deliver interactive learning sessions with children to develop communication and physical skills that promote cycling in a fun and interactive way.

Primary One Literacy Assessment and Action Resource (POLAAR) in PKC

Target Audience: Primary One teacher and practitioners working with P1

The course will introduce the Primary One Literacy Assessment and Action Resource (POLAAR) resource created collaboratively with educational psychology professional bodies, the Scottish Government and Education Scotland.  The session will explore and share how the resource should be used in the current national and PKC content within the early level primary.

View course details 

Date, Time and Venue: June 2025 TBC - 3.30pm - 5.00pm - online Ms Teams


Presenter: Nick Thomson and Pauline Linn - Perth and Kinross Council 


Aims and Outcomes: 

Explore the background, purpose and key features of the Primary One Literacy Assessment and Action Resource (POLAAR)​.
Consider the use of POLAAR in the current national and PKC context (environment, interactions and observations)​.
Practitioner will have a greater awareness of the POLAAR staged intervention model to identify the most effective interventions at universal and targeted additional levels.
Practitioners will have an increased confidence when identifying and assessing children who are at most risk of developing later difficulties with reading and writing.


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Internal applicants

External applicants 

STEM Tutor Assessor Training

Target Audience: PKC teaching staff

Deliver this award in your teaching setting and integrate it with existing lessons that you are delivering, or as stand alone sessions.  All you need to do is become a qualified Tutor Assessor which takes 2 hours. Training sessions are delivered live online throughout the year.

View course details 

Please view: STEM Information leaflet


Aims and Outcomes: training give you access to:

Support notes - detailing Learning Outcomes

Activity packs, worksheets and lessons plans

Log books for Young STEM Leader and STEM Leaders to capture their learning (paper copies to download or complete online)

Ongoing support from the YSLP SSERC Team

School Sport Training

Target Audience: PKC teaching staff, school sport volunteers and senior pupils involved in LEAD Sport pathway

An opportunity to gain further knowledge and content to teach sport specific games and activities to children.  

View course details 

Date, Time and Venue: 

Please view School Sport Training Calendar 2024-25


Presenter: various


Scotland's Financial Schools

Target Audience: Early Years/Primary/Secondary (sessions are tailored to specific sector)

Young Enterprise Scotland aims to equip all young people with the skills to thrive in life, learning and work. Our Scotland’s Financial Schools professional learning programme is designed to support teachers build their confidence in delivering financial education learning experiences to ensure our young people are equipped with appropriate financial skills. The course runs four times throughout the year and consists of two CLPL sessions. We would ask practitioners attend both.

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Date, Time and Venue: 



Session 1 - Introducing financial education across the curriculum

Session 2 - Embedding financial education through IDL


Session 1

Session 2




Early Years








Session 1 - Introducing financial education across the curriculum

Session 2 - Embedding financial education through IDL


Session 1

Session 2

Early Years










All sessions will run from 4.00pm - 5.15pm - online Ms Teams


Presenter: SFS Team


Aims and Outcomes: 

Session 1 – Introducing financial education across the curriculum

  • To raise awareness of what financial education is and why it is essential for developing skills for life, learning and work
  • Learning for Sustainability contextualisation with links the Sustainable Development Goals, DYW agenda, Career Education Standards 3-18, Curriculum Entitlements and the Attainment Challenge.
  • To encourage a cross curricular approach to financial education going beyond numeracy and maths
  • Overview of ‘Scotland’s Financial Schools’ website – includes access to free lesson plans, a whole school reflections tool and a Financial Education Scottish Progression Pathway which is linked to Curriculum for Excellence
  • Overview of financial workshops delivered by our SFS team (secondary schools only)

Session 2 – Embedding financial education through IDL

  • Encouraging a sustainable approach to embedding financial education into teaching and learning
  • Examples of delivering financial education through interdisciplinary learning opportunities
  • Examples of case studies to inspire and motivate
  • A practical session to encourage discussions and the sharing of examples and ideas

TayMaths Spotlight series

Target Audience: Early Years, Primary or Secondary

Series of numeracy and mathematics professional learning sessions for practitioners across the Tayside Collaborative.  These sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm.  The series will offer spotlights on a variety of themes e.g. Engaging Learners Facing Numeracy Difficulties, Developing Mathematical Reasoning, Numeracy Rich Environments in Early Years.

View course details 

Date, Time and Venue: 

All sessions online Ms Teams, 4.00pm - 5.00pm

27 August 2024 - Resources to Support your Numeracy and Maths Development - for Early Years, Primary, Secondary

24 September 2024 - Engaging Learners Facing Numeracy Difficulties - for Primary, Secondary

26 November 2024 - Numeracy as the Responsibility of All - for Secondary

28 January 2025 - Developing Mathematical Reasoning - for Early Years, Primary, Secondary

25 February 2025 - Numeracy Rich Environments in Early Years - for Early Years

25 March 2025 - Engaging Families through the Multiply Programmes - for Secondary

29 April 2025 - Engaging Families in Numeracy and Mathematics - for Early Years, Primary

20 May 2025 - Planning ahead for Numeracy and Mathematics - for Early Years, Primary, Secondary


Presenter: Taymaths Team and Tayside Practitioners


Aims: Provide practitioners with the opportunity to increase their knowledge and understanding of effective learning and teaching approaches in numeracy and maths.  

Outcomes: Improved awareness of effective practice in developing and promoting numeracy and maths.  Increased collaboration with practitioners across the RIC to share good practice.  Opportunity to reflect and develop their own practice.


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Internal applicants

External applicants